Only Deighton, with his flair for historical research and his narrative genius, could have written it. This is a spy story quite different from any other. But when SS Standartenfuhrer Huth arrives from Berlin with orders from the great Himmler himself to supervise the investigation, the resourceful Archer finds himself caught up in a high level, all action, espionage battle. However, it’s ‘business as usual’ at Scotland Yard run by the SS when Detective Inspector Archer is assigned to a routine murder case. He has also written numerous non-fiction articles on film, science, and scuba diving, as well as having produced the novel versions of many films, including such well-known productions as. For millennia, the Weave, an alliance of species, have fought to resist the telepathic Amplitur, who strive to unite all self-aware life-forms in their great Purpose. Alan Dean Fosters work to date includes excursions into hard science-fiction, fantasy, horror, detective, western, historical, and contemporary fiction. Churchill has been executed, the King is in the Tower and the SS are in Whitehall… For nine months Britain has been occupied - a blitzed, depressed and dingy country. Humans are caught up in an alien war in this epic from the 1 New York Timesbestselling author of Star Wars: The Force Awakens and Star Trek Into Darkness. In February 1941 British Command surrendered to the Nazis. This has been on my wishlist for years and I was very disappointed when the not-so-local library's old paperback copy seemed to have gone missing (or at least be consistently checked out whenever I visited), and now I can get it for less than the price of round-trip bus fare.

SS-GB by master spy novelist Len Deighton ( ISFDB, Wikipedia), his one and only vintage speculative fiction alternate history novel, written well before I was born, which is a murder mystery set in an England where the Nazis succeeded in their invasion and has a Wikipedia entry all its own.

Bargain $2.99 CAD from HarperCollins in Canada as part of a Kobo Canada promotion until January 19th (I checked Kobo US, and it's $5.99 USD there):